Wednesday, February 20, 2002

I just finished listening to Jennifer Knapp's Kansas and am in the process of listening to her Lay It Down, and I have discovered that I really like her music (sorry, roommate dear). I'm not sure I can explain why. However, I think it is worth noting the following two statements and the similarities between them:

1). There is more than a bit of the office of prophet in the office of the Christian singer.
2). The common thread that ties my roleplaying characters together (for those of you who know them, I'm thinking of Llandyne, Sharalyne Dewfall, Kalaraen Shadrea, and Danielle Meroit) is that they all want to be heroes, and are usually female.

One of the things you should realize about the roleplaying my friends and I engage in is that our characters generally have some essence that ties them all together and reveals something about ourselves as individuals. For me, obviously, it's that I want to be a hero (not a military hero, just a hero). And since prophets are really rather heroic figures, is it any wonder that I identify so strongly with lyrically strong female Christian singer-songwriters? Granted that doesn't explain anything, but it's interesting to note, quiaff? Thanks to Antilles for providing me with the mp3s that comprise these playlists and for introducing me to Ms. Knapp.

And speaking of Antilles, I just finished reading about his latest escapade in world travel and it left me feeling oddly content. Partly I just like reading about his life, because he's a good guy. But that's not so surprising, and I said "oddly" content. What's odd about it is that reading about Antilles and Selene (who will remain Selene until I either get to know her better, somebody gives me an aesthetically pleasing and meaningful alternative, or somebody can tell me that the real Wedge Antilles had a girl) sets me at peace. And besides, I've never seen him as happy up here as he looks in the pictures next to Selene.

It's not that I always think he makes the right decision - most of the time (and especially where Selene is concerned) I don't feel really qualified to judge how right or wrong his decisions are, either from insufficient good counsel on the subject or [more often] plain lack of data. It's that I trust the people who have counseled him and I trust him as enough of a man to be trusted to make his own decisions. I wonder if this feeling is akin to what my parents feel towards me.

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